At the moment you were born, the stars sailing through the sky, were transfixed within you to illuminate and celebrate your coming.. As a celestial imprint, they painted an exquisite and unique portrait of your personality and possibilities.
Natal Astrology maps what pattern the Stars formed for you at the your moment of birth This map is your personal blueprint for life. A hand crafted primer that symbolically reveals and explains your purpose, proclivities, and passions.
These Stars shine in your inner Sky to reveal your beauty and brilliance and to light a path Home to you. Find the ease, grace and illumination of your Human Beingness..
Fall in love with You. No more lack. Only loving acceptance and revelation.
This 12 month Applied Astrology Practitioner Course
teaches the basics of Natal (Birth) Chart Astrology.
It is designed for absolute beginners or for those who dabble
but would like to truly Master this sacred Art.
Upon completion, you will know how to interpret, integrate, and practically apply the signs, planets, houses, aspects, (including transits) and how to draw up and read a Natal Chart
covering all aspects from potential life paths
to the psycho-spiritual resonances of personality
and familial conditioning.
I approach Astrology as a client, heart centered, intuitive practice based on archetypal and narrative therapeutic inquiry.
I have over 20 years personal and professional experience.
I am a Qualified Astrologer with the FAA
(Federation of Australian Astrologers).
I love the personal recognition and embrace that comes from insights into our Natal Charts.
I love seeing clients and students recognise themselves and their lives with new and loving appreciation - the relief that comes when you realise you are perfectly who you need to be -
the joy in knowing that there is strength, beauty, and purpose
in your very own unique, exquisite manifestation.
Your journey is my focus. My aim is to help you understand your psycho-spiritual make-up, to facilitate insight into your
personality, proclivities, and potential (you are your first client).
By creating a deep and penetrating psychological and practical Astrological profile that enhances self-love, self-awareness and self-embrace, you are empowered to see your personality as a gift
(even the more challenging aspects and transits)
and as a constant flowering of possibility.
In this way, this course is organically experiential and life-affirming and a deep, profound, and wondrous journey into your heart and soul.
You will come to understand (for yourself and, ultimately, your clients) how you may best flower and grow and enjoy your personality, circumstances and sacred existence.
But we start with you and the other students in the class. You can apply all you learn in a way that makes practical and loving sense.
Your Birth Chart is your personal Mandala. A Map. Understanding this Map helps you navigate your life. This course teaches the Basic Tools of Astrology - signs, planets, houses, and aspects and then integrates and applies them to your own chart
and/or those of family, friends, and public figures.
We explore the Ancient Myths and Stories of Astrology and apply them to our own lives through a psycho-dynamic and archetypal lens.
This Practitioner Course is designed to equip you to read for others in a responsible, insightful, and compassionate manner, with skills learned through experience and organic, hands-on instruction.
You will learn to draw up your own charts so that you have something very personal and beautiful to give your clients.
We hone the skills and intuitive practice of chart delineation
into an holistic, nourishing, and professional Sacred Therapeutic Art,
step by step.
We also investigate transits and learn how to track and interpret the movement of the planets, how they intersect with our birth chart, and how they help us navigate our lives, practically, psycho-emotionally and spiritually.
Please contact me for a Detailed Course Outline for more information.
I am fully and joyfully committed to making sure that you have a supportive, nurturing, informative, and deeply transformative personal journey that gives you the skills and empowers you
to read Astrology professionally.
I provide enjoyable and penetrating homework and handouts each week that will form a personal resource for yourself and your future clientele. Each class is interactive and experiential as we discuss class members' charts, using real life examples and my 20 years experience to illustrate everything that is taught.
I provide extension support materials via videos and complimentary information as an online learning tool.
I am also available for any psycho-spiritual and/or practical support as you journey through the course and move out into the world
as a Professional Astrologer.
It is my aim that the investment you make in completing this course pays off for you on every level.
I hold these classes in Helena Valley in a relaxed, loving, and supportive atmosphere. I teach in a small group of like-minded students (not more than seven in a class). As this course is very much a hands on Apprenticeship, the small group allows for individual attention.
Sitting on the Velvet Lounge is a home away from home, a time just for you, away from your busy lives of service
for a three hour break each week that is nourishing and enriching.
The Course covers 50 weeks at $65 per week for a three hour workshop/class.
(contact me for a Course Outline and further details).
There is a non-refundable deposit of $500 required as it is a small intimate class of no more than seven people
(refundable up to three weeks beforehand).
You can pay upfront (for a $250 deduction of the overall cost)
or pay in installments.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me to discuss your preference or needs.
I invite you to walk with me through the starlit canyons of your soul, to see the Universe within from the light of the heavens above.
Astrology is fascinating.
It is a beautiful heart language and a joyful way of understanding the patterns, potentials, and possibilities of your own life
and the lives of others.
If you would like to read Astrology with confidence and loving intention for a living, this course will equip you to do just that.
It is a wholistic training that focuses on practical knowledge and counselling, therapeutic and psycho-spiritual skills.
For more information please don’t hesitate to contact me on 0409689041 to discuss any questions, queries, or needs with regards to your personal and professional Astrology Journey.
Kindest and most Beloved Blessings on the Path…
Please don't hesitate to contact me for more information about the Course and any of the Courses, events, or services at Sacred Arts Therapies.
By Appointment
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